Friday 20 May 2016

Mud, lots of mud

Year 7 took a break from being in the classroom to head out into the field this week.  Our destination?  The Mud Volcanoes of the Buzau Mountains.  Don't worry these aren't the type of volcanoes that will lay waste to your house, disrupt your holiday through volcanic ash, or even get turned into a disaster movie.  They are pretty cool and impressive all the same.

So why do they exist?  Well put simply there is oil under the surface, as much as 30,000 metres deep.  The oil gives off gas.  This gas rises up through cracks in the rock, some of the rock it passes through is clay.  This mixes with underground water to get the liquid mud 'erupting' out in volcano shaped cone.  Due to the oil you will notice a smell similar to petrol whilst you are in the area.

Some of these volcanoes are constantly erupting meaning you watch them in action, others are more intermittent.  You can see where the mud has recently erupted as fresh flows carve out mini gorges as they meander, in the same way water does in a river down the hill.

Of course, there is a very real risk of getting muddy in a place like this, so make sure you take a change of clothes just in case, and remember this.

There is a reason why you should tie your shoes up properly!!

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