Monday 25 January 2016

Why should I choose Geography?

For those of you in year 9 you will soon be choosing your options.  Many of you have probably already made up your minds of what you want to choose.
Ultimately the decision is yours, before you tick that box though stop and think about your choice.  Have you considered everything that studying Geography can do for you?

Why don't you start by watching this video to see if Geography can help you decide.

The President of the Royal Geographical Society has this message, highlighting just important Geography is.  Read it through with your parents and discuss how Geography can benefit you.  It is aimed at UK students with references to the UK and those points apply to us here as a British International School.

Still not convinced, check out this video from Google to show many ways Geography is used in the world and the potential opportunities it can open up for you.

There is a demand in the work place for people who have studied Geography, study Geography and you will find employment in an ever changing world easier to come by.  (Just remember you still have to study).

Still not convinced but want to know more, why not hear what some Geography graduates have to say.  Remember they started with GCSE Geography and look at them now.

If you want to know more about the course then speak to Mr Storey, there will be another post soon regarding the specifics of IGCSE Geography.  You can also email at the usual address or use twitter @mstgeography or #ibsbgeography to ask questions.  

Whatever you choose for your options it has been a pleasure teaching you these past two years.  I hope to continue teaching you next year.  Either way I wish you all the best for your GCSEs and the door is always open.

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