Monday 9 November 2015

Into the Storm

I finally got round to watching this film over the weekend having picked it up in on a trip to one of the many malls in Bucharest.
I was really keen to see the film based on the trailer to see how they show the effects of a tornado.

The film focuses on a school teacher and his two sons, they cross paths with a group of storm chasers who are attempting to film the eye of a tornado.  Throw in a couple of amateur storm chasers with a go-pro and a truck for some light relief and there's enough to keep you entertained during the film.

Often disaster films are not 100% accurate, read back to the post on San Andreas for one example.  So how do Tornadoes form?  There is a great TED video which explains the conditions needed that you can watch below.

Have you seen the film?  What did you think?  Would you like to earn extra house points by writing a review?  Post a comment or email me to get earning those points.

You can see I also picked up Pompei staring 24's Kiefer Sutherland and the man who knows nothing from Game of Thrones.  I haven't had time to watch this one yet but I will add a post soon.

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