Tuesday 29 March 2016


In the news today two different volcanoes have erupted, the video below shows Mexico's Popocatepetl volcano spewing ash and gas into the sky.  

Popocatépetl volcano came to life on Sunday morning, sending a column of gas and ash 2,000 metres (6,500ft) into the sky in central Mexico. A 12km (7.5-mile) security ring around the volcano has been mandated, preventing passage close to the crater. Popocatépetl’s last major eruption was in 2000, when more than 40,000 people had to be evacuated

The second eruption occurred in Alaska, I don't have a video just yet if you find one you can add it in the comments.  A link to read about what is happening is here...

Alaska volcano spews ash cloud stretching 400 miles, grounding flights

Thursday 24 March 2016


Speaking to some of you during the week many of you are travelling this holiday.  If like me you are staying in Romania here are two interesting videos about the amazing country we live in.  The first some of year 9 may have seen whilst looking at mountains looking at the Carpathians.  The second the Danube from the Black Forest to the Black sea following the Danube through to Romania and out through the delta.  Where ever you are going enjoy and have a great trip!!