Tuesday 19 May 2015

Where are all the bees?

What will happen if the bees disappear?  Nobody likes being stung and you might think it a welcome relief not to worry about being it (though most bees aren't looking to sting you).  If bees do disappear it well be a major problem for the human race.  This article gives an insight into it and a search online will find you many more articles highlighting just how important they are.  Maybe you know someone who keeps bees, talk to them get involved, take it from me it's not as scary as it seems and fresh honey is delicious!!

Sunday 10 May 2015

Overpopulation, overconsumption – in pictures

You probably saw most of these pictures in assembly on Friday, here they are with some extra information about the pictures.  Year 10 have looked at them as part of their course as well.  If you are interested you can link from the article to sections in the guardian on climate change.  What do you think?  What can we do to make a change to what we are seeing?

Monday 4 May 2015

Dear Future Generations: Sorry

This has been doing the rounds on social media, year 8 have seen it recently in their lessons.

It's certainly a thought provoking video linking in with Earth Day and one with a lot of important messages in there, will people take notice of it though?

For more information on Earth Day click here